While in Kyoto, enjoy bathing at a sento (public bath-house)!
There are a wonderful variety of them in Kyoto, from old-fashioned neighborhood sentos standing quietly in shopping arcades to sentos with marvelously artistic tilework.
Find the sento that’s just right for you and soak in its soothing waters.
Sentos in Kyoto cost 510 yen (160 yen for ages 6-12, 60 yen for children under 6)
For the equivalent of just a couple US dollars, you can relax and refresh yourself while discovering a fascinating side of daily life in Kyoto.
Search for a sentoSearch for a Sento
Sento informationSento Information
175 Iwataki-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, 京都市下京区岩滝町175
Daimon-yu (Tenshono-yu)
19-4 Nishikyogoku Daimon-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, 京都市右京区西京極大門町19-4
4-31 Minamishinchi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, 京都市伏見区南新地4-31
39-7 Nishikyogoku Nisikawa-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, 京都市右京区西京極西川町39-7
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